- Join a Board. It’s a great way to meet people. However, check with your general counsel to make sure that you are minimizing your individual liability and are free of conflicts. Beware of the Board trying to use you as a lawyer as you are not representing the Board. And it’s best if it’s not the Board of a client so that no one is confused about your role.
- Don’t treat your LinkedIn account like Facebook. LinkedIn is a great way to keep your network informed about various topics and important events. Be selective about whom you let join your network and don’t let anyone join your network unless you know them.
- Visit your clients for free. Visiting your clients in person is one of the best ways to effectively represent them. You often learn things that wouldn’t necessarily surface on a telephone call. By not charging for the visit, your client will appreciate your commitment to and investment in their business.
- Always network. Every month, make an effort to meet with someone whether for lunch or breakfast, or if not possible, via phone. Young associates can connect with former law school classmates, who will serve as future referral sources.
- Be different. You only have a limited amount of time after trying to make hours and have a life. Use your time wisely. Join a group of interest that doesn’t have lawyers or if it’s lawyer-related, try to find groups that don’t have a lot of lawyers with your specialty. So, if you are an IP lawyer, go to a business-focused CLE as corporate lawyers are often some of the best referral sources.
I have worked at both small and large firms. All offered associate training programs. Some were better than others. However, rarely did any program focus on the nuts and bolts of our practice. In the next few weeks, I’ll provide some helpful tips. Today, I’ll discuss five marketing tips for associates: